Vendetta/API/update state

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lib.update_state (string id, string version, table state_data) :: nil


Allows editing of a plugin's state data post-registration


  1. string id: name of the mod to be activated
  2. string version: version of the mod to be activated
  3. table state_data: settings to adjust in table format. see below.


  1. nil

Other notes

  • Added in LME 3.11.0

valid state data entries:

Key Description
complete Allows the plugin to trigger its own failure state and prevent any dependent plugins from running if they haven't already.

This cannot unload code that's already running. Use in hybrid mods to disable themselves easily. Plugins cannot mark themselves as ‘complete’; this value can only be `false` or not exist.

name Allows the plugin to change its registered display name. Not recommended.
link Allows the plugin to change the ‘link’ read from its INI file (or set one, if no link was originally provided).
plugin_name Same as `name`.
plugin_link Same as `link`.
err_details If the plugin is marking itself as incomplete to indicate a self-caught error, this string is added to the LME log display.