From Quasar-RCE
All public API functions and variables are listed below. Unless otherwise stated, everything is stored within the public table "lib"
Function | Description |
NEO_EXISTS | (Global) Boolean true when Neoloader has started. Not part of the LME API |
NEO_UNINSTALL | (Global) Boolean false when Neoloader is installing for the first time, true when told to uninstall. Otherwise, it shouldn't exist. Not part of the LME API |
[0] = "LME" | String defining the public table "lib" as a 'Library Management Engine'; used for verifying if Neoloader (or compatible alternative) is installed or not.
See more in Neoloader general overview and the LME design documentation |
[1] = "Neoloader" | String defining the creator of the public table "lib"; just like [0], this is meant for verifying Neoloader as the creator of the lib table (as opposed to any future alternatives). |
activate_mod | Launches the selected mod (requires an authentication key) |
block_trap | Similar to `pcall`, but errors trapped affect the linked mod's status; useful for hybrid mods. |
build_ini | Constructs a Neoloader-relevant table from an INI file. |
check_queue | Manually checks if delayed functions can be run. |
compare_sem_ver | Compare two advanced version strings. |
err_handle | Functions similarly to `assert`, but logs and returns instead of halting the Lua engine during game start. |
execute | Activates a single function from a mod's set class. |
find_file | Attempts to find a file based on a list of possible locations. |
generate_key | Creates a randomized key based on the SHA1 function. |
get_API | Gets the current API version of Neoloader. |
get_class | Gets a mod's class table. |
get_gstate | Gets Neoloader's general state. |
get_latest | Gets the latest version of a mod. |
get_minor | Gets the current minor version (additions to the API that don't change it). |
get_patch | Gets the current patch version (fixes to the API that don't add anything new and don't change it). |
get_path | Gets the folder path of a mod. |
get_state | Gets a mod's state information in Neoloader. |
get_whole_ver | Gets a version broken down into individual components. |
is_exist | Tests if a mod exists in Neoloader's registry. |
is_ready | Tests if a mod in Neoloader's registry has been activated. |
lme_get_config | Gets the current configuration of the LME provider. |
lme_configure | Configures the LME provider and saves the change. |
lock_class | Prevents changes to a mod's class table. |
log_error | `print()`, but for Neoloader. Use this to have your mod's debug messages added to Neoloader's log. |
mod_read_str | Reads a string from a mod's registration file. |
notify | Sends a notification to Neoloader's current management interface. |
open_config | Opens the currently set management engine for Neoloader. |
open_if_config | Opens the currently set interface manager for Neoloader. |
pass_ini_identifier | Used internally; returns the ID/version of a mod when passed the INI file path. |
register | Registers a new mod into Neoloader. |
reload | Triggers an interface reload. |
request_auth | Obtains Neoloader's session auth key. |
require | Delays a function until the provided list of dependencies are met. |
resolve_dep_table | Tests if the provided list of dependencies are met. |
resolve_file | Tries to load and execute the provided file. |
set_class | Sets the class table of a mod. |
set_load | Sets the loading state of a registered plugin. |
set_waiting | Freezes or releases the impending execution of a mod's dependents. |
uninstall | Removes Neoloader and closes the game (requires an authentication key). |
unlock_class | Removes a lock on a mod's class table. |
update_state | Allows editing of limited LME control values. |